Members may remember the ‘LNHS Checkist of Birds of the London Area’ that was mailed with LBR 2019. A site-specific version of this checklist, with an illustrated laminated cover, was produced and trialled successfully by the proprietor of a park café. It has been decided to roll this out over the LNHS area.
We are looking for birdwatchers with a good knowledge of a park or other site, which has refreshment facilities or a visitor centre, to put this idea to the proprietor:
To commission a birdwatchers’ checklist based on an existing template and tailored to their site, in order to publicise their facilities and at the same time provide a product to enhance visitors’ enjoyment of the site.
The proposed arrangement is that the LNHS will supply a print-ready PDF file of the checklist, and the site proprietor will arrange for it to be printed and will dispense it via the café or visitor centre.
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information if you are interested in participating.
Sample front cover of checklist
Sample page of checklist; typical species for the site are marked with an X