The August 2021 LNHS Newsletter (no. 262) was posted to members this week. Besides the usual bumper articles and news from the LNHS and natural history in and around London and beyond, there was also something old, but new – the return of the printed programme. The redesigned and reformatted programme covers LNHS events from September 2021 to February 2022. Enjoy!
The LNHS Newsletter, as usual, contains a wide variety of articles of interest to all. Some highlights include: Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne’s interview with Paul Sterry, the author of a number of Collins Guides to British Wildlife; Maria Roberts’ review of Shahina Ghazanfar’s fascinating virtual talk on the earliest botanic gardens in the Middle East (which is available on the LNHS YouTube channel), and George Hounsome’s account of his walk with Paul Bartlett through the Ham Riverlands along with photos of its botanical treasures.
If you’d like to read these articles and receive the newsletter and printed programme, please join the LNHS – you will receive these and much else besides!