London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London


The London Natural History Society AGM for 2021 took place on the 9th December 2021 virtually via Zoom. The meeting was recorded and involved an introduction by Maria Roberts (LNHS President) and David Howdon (LNHS Secretary) and was followed by annual reports from the various Section Chairs and Officers of the London Natural History Society:
1. Library
2. Virtual Natural History Talks
3. Ecology & Entomology
4. Botany
5. Hampstead Heath Survey
6. London Bird Club


For more detailed reports from the various sections of the London Natural History Society sections, see the section AGM reports that were recorded at the respective section AGMS (available below via YouTube).

London Bird Club Section AGM



Botany Section AGM 



Ecology & Entomology Section AGM



Hampstead Heath Survey AGM



Author: Keiron Derek Brown, London Natural History Society
Date Published: 20/12/21