London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London


It's AGM season again and the LNHS Section and Society AGMs are now all open for bookings via Eventbrite. You can access the booking links by clicking on the talk titles below. Each AGM will include a Virtual Natural History Talk from a guest speaker and all of these events are free to attend, although booking is essential. Non-members are warmly welcome to attend these events, but please note that non-members are not able to vote on Society business items.

10/11/22 Hampstead Heath Survey Section AGM + Wet, Dry and Wilder? Managing our City Better for Nature in a Time of Climate Instability (Mathew Frith) 
17/11/22 London Bird Club Section AGM + The Peregrine: Ecology and Biology (Richard Sale and Steve Watson)
24/11/22 Botany Section AGM + The Difficult Plant Problem (Tim Rich)
01/12/22 Ecology & Entomology Section AGM + True Bugs of the London Area - A Review of a Rapidly Changing Fauna (Tristan Bantock)
08/12/22 London Natural History Society AGM + Ecology and Natural History (David Wilkinson)


Hampstead Heath Survey Section AGM


10/11/22 18:30 Hampstead Heath Survey Section AGM

2022 Hampstead Heath Survey section AGM documents

10/11/22 19:00 Wet, Dry and Wilder? Managing our City Better for Nature in a Time of Climate Instability  (Mathew Frith)


London Bird Club Section AGM


17/11/22 18:30 London Bird Club Section AGM

2022 London Bird Club section AGM documents

17/11/22 19:00 The Peregrine: Ecology and Biology (Richard Sale and Steve Watson): The talk will be by the authors of a forthcoming book on peregrine falcons. The talk will include a detailed discussion of peregrines' visual acuity, information on flight data and analysis, an account of the UK and world population including London's population growth since 2000, a worldwide prey spectra analysis and other new scientific findings.


Botany Section AGM


24/11/22 18:30 Botany Section AGM

2022 Botany section AGM documents

24/11/22 19:00 The Difficult Plant Problem  (Tim Rich): There are lots of difficult plant groups but few botanists to work on them. In this talk, Tim Rich will discuss the issues and solutions and show how everyone can make a contribution.


Ecology & Entomology Section AGM


01/12/22 18:30 Ecology & Entomology Section AGM

2022 Ecology and Entomology section AGM documents

01/12/22 19:00 True Bugs of the London Area - A Review of a Rapidly Changing Fauna (Tristan Bantock, LNHS): The Hemiptera (true bugs) are one of the major invertebrate groups found in Britain and include a number of larger and more distinctive representatives such as shieldbugs, which are increasingly popular with biological recorders. The last two decades have witnessed the addition of many new species to the British fauna and the majority of these have first appeared in the London area. This talk will provide an overview of these changes, focus on certain species in more detail and discuss the likely reasons behind London’s increasingly dynamic fauna.


London Natural History Society AGM


08/12/22 18:30 London Natural History Society AGM: We are hoping for a great turnout for our AGM when you can find out about what the LNHS has been doing. We have some rule changes for members to vote on and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

  • Apologies for absence

  • To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th December 2021

  • To receive and to adopt the Annual Report and Statement of Financial Activities of the Society for the period 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022

  • To elect Officers and other members to serve on Council for 2023 [See LNHS documents linked below for details of nominees in December].

  • To elect an independent examiner for 2022-23

  • To adopt the proposed changes to the Society rules as circulated with the August 2022 LNHS Newsletter. See also

  • Appointment of Honorary Vice Presidents

  • Reports from Sections

  • Any other business

2022 London Natural History Society AGM Documents

LNHS Proposed changes to rules (document 1)

LNHS Proposed changes to rules (document 2)


08/12/22 19:30 Ecology and Natural History (David Wilkinson): 

We are delighted that David Wilkinson has agreed to give the talk at this year's AGM. The science of ecology underlies most of the key issues facing humanity, from the loss of biodiversity, through sustainable agriculture, to the effects of climate change and the spread of pandemics. This talk introduces the science of ecology and some of its basic ideas, such as the role of photosynthesis in providing the energy for life (and also locking up carbon) and the importance of decomposition in facilitating the recycling of nutrients. It also highlights some current key research questions – such as the ecology of microorganisms and how we can understand ecology at a planetary scale.

Dave Wilkinson is an ecologist with very wide interests, having published research on organisms ranging from bacteria to sauropod dinosaurs. He spent almost a quarter of a century teaching at Liverpool John Moores University, and is now visiting Professor in Ecology at the University of Lincoln and an honorary research fellow in archaeology at the University of Nottingham. His most recent book is ‘Ecology and Natural History’ published in 2021 in Collins' long-running New Naturalist series.


Author: Anke Marsh, London Natural History Society