London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London

About LNHS

London's biodiversity faces new challenges from climate change and development pressure. You can contribute to the conservation of wildlife in the London area by helping to record the changing fortunes of the many species that live here. Together with our historic records, this information will help us to tackle the conservation issues of the future.

Waterloo 07

 The London Natural History Society comprises of a number active sections focusing on specific taxonomic groups or wildlife sites.

The London Naturalist 2019 - Contents of Volume 98

LN 2019 front coverThe latest issue of the London Naturalist has now been published and contains a wealth of information for people who live or work in London, or are interested in London wildlife. This is one of the annual publications that members of the London Natural History Society (LNHS) receive as part of their membership. Find out how to join the LNHS. You can also buy back issues of the London Naturalist.London Naturalist 2019