This form is for you to print and complete - it is NOT for submission via the Internet.
Membership subscription is £20 per calendar year and falls due for renewal on 1 January.
Please print this page, and fill it in using block capitals.
Post it to Robin Blades, 32 Ashfield Road, London, N14 7JY
Enclose a cheque payable to: London Natural History Society.
Surname or family name:..................................................................
First Name: .....................................................................................
Address: ...............................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................... Postcode: ..................
Tel: .................................................. Email: ..........................................................................
Please also enrol the following as family member(s) at the above address:
(Additional subscription £4 per person. Family members enjoy all the benefits of the Society and may vote,
but receive no publications except an individual copy of the Programme of events).
Name(s) of family member(s): .........................................................................................
I enclose payment of: ...........................
To request a standing order form please write to the address above enclosing an SAE.
In which London Borough do you live?............................................
If you live outside the Greater London area please state your town or county.
Where did you hear about the Society? .....................................................................................................
What are your natural history interests? (e.g. plant, birds, insects, ecology, general interest, etc):
Signed....................................................................................... Date.........................
LNHS handles personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the
Data Protection Act 2018 as set out in the Privacy Notice on our website.
LNHS is a Registered Charity No. 206228.
I would like any subscription payment or donation I make to the London Natural History Society from the date
of this declaration until further notice to be under the Gift Aid scheme which allows the Society to reclaim 25p
for every £1 I pay to the Society. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that I must pay an amount of income and/or
capital gains tax at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the tax year and I am
responsible for paying any difference.
You must notify the Society if you:
- want to cancel this declaration
- change your name or home address
- no longer pay sufficient income and/or capital gains tax
Signed...................................................................................... Date.........................