London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London

LNHS Events

Field meetings have recommenced. You can find full details in the calendar on the right and in our downloadable programme. Please note that these events may be cancelled at short notice and we will try to post details on the homepage if possible. For more details regarding the LNHS field meetings please see the Field Meetings page.

The LNHS also has indoor ID sessions and a regular Virtual Natural History Talk series.

The LNHS events programme is one of the most varied and active of a natural history society. Its meetings encourage the interaction of beginners and experienced naturalists.

Field Meetings

LNHS Field Meetings are field recorder days or guided walks. Lunch and Tea should be brought on all whole-day meetings. You do not need to have a car - where the programme says 'cars needed' this is to remind drivers they will need to pick up people at the station or meeting point. At meetings involving cars, those receiving lifts are expected to contribute to the cost of petrol used. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the LNHS Field Meetings, no dogs are allowed except for guide dogs.

Virtual Events

The LNHS Virtual Natural History Talks series began in 2020 and cover topics including (but not limited to) ecology, identification, recording and conservation, and in a variety of groups including birds, mammals, flowering plants, fungi, bryophytes, reptiles and amphibians, and a range of invertebrate groups.

Indoor events

These usually consist of talks, slide shows or discussions. Indoor meetings are held at several venues:

  • Burgh House, Hampstead, is a new venue which the Bird Club are using for indoor meetings. See the map here, and their website. Handy tip - If you want to visit the Burgh House museum and exhibitions first, and maybe the charming little garden and The Buttery Cafe, but realise that there is an hour and a half between the house and cafe closing and first arrivals for the talk at 6.30pm (for a 7pm start), there is a very civilised pub (The Wells) opposite the house, not to mention the delights of the rest of Hampstead (inc. the Heath if you fancy an evening walk), just minutes away.
  • Seminar and Learning Centre, Sherfield Building, Imperial College (South Kensington, SW7 2AZ) is labelled as building no.20 on this Map. Walking from South Kensington Underground station, take the pedestrian tunnel that leads towards the museums. Follow the tunnel to its furthest extent. On leaving the tunnel in Exhibition Road, turn left to reach the college campus.

Full programme

January 2025
February 2025